Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Free Book: The Pharoah and the Curator! !

When I jumped back into my writing journey, I was lucky enough to stumble onto a fantastic group of women.  We all write different genres, but there is an insane amount of talent oozing from our small clutch.  {Check us all out here!}

One of these women, is the lovely Sophia Jones.  Her second short, The Pharaoh and the Curator was published through Amazon last Friday.  For now it's free {and so so so good} so head on over to Amazon to grab it!!!  To be honest, it will leave you wanting much, much more! ;)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sunshine Award! :)

Thank you to Cait Jarrod, http://caitjarrod.com/, for giving me this awesome award!   
As with most awards, the Sunshine Award comes with a few simple rules:

(1) Thank the person who gave you the award in your blog post.
Thanks Cait! :)  
(2) Do the Q&A below.
(3) Pass on the award to 8-12 deserving and inspiring bloggers, inform them and link to their blogs.

Q & A
Favorite Color:  Purple.  I am a horned frog after all.  {I went to TCU!} 

Favorite Animal: I hate these questions.  I don't really have favorites.  Domesticated animal would have to be a dog - we have 3.  However, I'm pretty partial to anything cute and fuzzy! 

Favorite Number: I always used to dread the number 13, but since that's our son's birthday and our second baby's due date... I'm pretty partial now!!! :)  

Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: Sweet tea.  Yummmmm.  

Facebook or Twitter: Facebook.  Twitter makes my ADD brain feel like it's going to explode.  Too much at once.  

Your Passion: I have several, but reading, writing, and history are my top 3.  I can get a little over zealous and obnoxious about any of those... ;)  

Giving or getting presents: Giving.  I LOVE figuring out super special individualized presents and watching for a reaction.  That's the best present.  

Favorite Day: It used to be Friday, but now that I'm a stay at home mom, I love Saturday and Sunday since that's when my hubby is off! 

Favorite Flowers: I love anything tropical... I'm not really partial to any one flower.  I love oriental lilies, orchids... so pretty.  :)  

Finally, these are the 12 fantastic bloggers I’m tagging for this award (Now, I’m off to tell them, so maybe they’ll have posts up in a day or two. If not, at least you can look  around some terrific sites!):

First, please visit the author responsible for nominating me for the award. 
Cait Jarrod  - http://caitjarrod.com/

I'm still making friends in the writing world, so bear with me.  Below are some fantastic writers, although not all are published yet.  Enjoy exploring their sites and getting to know them! 

Nessie Strange - nessieslivingdeadworld.blogspot.com
Danielle Taylor  authordtaylor.wordpress.com
Cassandra Janey - cassandrajaney.com
Katya Pavlopoulos  http://kmoonstone.wordpress.com/
Stephanie Jones http://www.sophiajonesromance.com/blog.html

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dream Big!

I'm now several days into Camp NaNoWriMo, and while it pulled me out of my "slump" like I'd hoped, I'm just not covering as much ground as I'd like to.  I realize 50k words in 30 days is asking a lot, and I also realize that month isn't even half over yet...but I'd like to be further along.

Truth be told I finished this "book" in high school - over 200 hand written pages I painstakingly cranked out with all the naive bliss that is high school love {and when I say naive, please believe me that I was a ridiculous level of naive} and actually dedicated and gave it to my high school boyfriend.  ::eye roll:: Yes, I was/am that girl.

This book has been written and reworked so many times, I think it's safe to say that's its a brand new story, but still very much about two people falling deeply in love with each other.  It still carries a tune of falling in love with your best friend, but has become so much more than that high school girl ever dreamed.  I've learned and experienced a lot since then!

So here's to all the aspiring authors out there, some I know, others I don't, that are pouring out their heart and soul into a book and dream of being published.  Let's cheer each other on, reach for the stars, and continue to dream big!

If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt Disney